• Family owned
  • Open 7 days a week
  • Dog friendly
  • Home-grown plants

Sprout Your Imagination

Unearth Unique Garden Dreams with D&M

Creating a beautiful garden is a dream cherished by many, and at D&M, we're dedicated to turning that dream into a vibrant reality. Whether you have a shaded nook or the sunniest corner in your garden, we're here to guide you in selecting the perfect plants that will flourish in your unique garden environment.

Our expert team has curated a selection of combination plantings that are tailored to suit your specific needs and preferences. These recommendations are designed to not only thrive but also to create a harmonious and visually appealing landscape. At D&M, we're committed to helping you transform your garden into a place of natural splendor, where every plant contributes to the overall beauty of your outdoor sanctuary. Let us be your partner in making your dream garden a stunning and vibrant haven.

Shadow Ensemble: Moody plant mix

Luxe Palette: Slug-resistant plant combination with rich tones.

Shade plant combination

Drought-Ready Plants

shady spots with a damp touch combination

All-Season Groundcover