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Get your binoculars out – BirdWatch Ireland is live!

Get your binoculars out – BirdWatch Ireland is live!

Get your binoculars out – BirdWatch Ireland is live! Now in its 15th year, Ireland’s most popular garden bird survey has begun. For the next 12 weeks you can report back on which birds visit your garden – and in doing so help contribute to conservation efforts across the country.

BirdWatch Ireland is expecting over 1000 people to take part, and for the first time you can enter your results online. Just go to www.birdwatchireland.ie and click on ‘online surveys’ (you can still send them in by post if you prefer).

Gardens are becoming increasingly important havens for many species of bird as the Irish countryside changes. Since the winter of 1994, when the survey began, the most commonly seen garden visitors have been robins, blackbirds, blue tits and chaffinches; goldfinches are doing particularly well, although siskins continue to be a rarer sight than they once were.

You can do your bit to make them feel at home by stocking up on seed mixes, fat balls and mealworms – all tasty treats for hungry birds and available at our garden centre here in Co. Limerick, along with bird feeders and bird baths. Just ask our staff for advice if you’re not sure which ones to choose – they’ll be happy to help!

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