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Ireland’s government is getting behind our beleaguered bees

Ireland’s government is getting behind our beleaguered bees

Ireland’s government is getting behind our beleaguered bees and asking businesses to do their bit to plant nectar-rich plants and provide habitats for pollinating insects.

Protect our Bees

The launch of the initiative is the latest step in the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, identifying actions everyone can take to help protect pollinators – responsible for helping 78% of Ireland’s plants flower and set fruit.

Steps businesses can take include protecting areas providing food and shelter for pollinators, reducing pesticide use, mowing lawns less often to allow wildflowers and grasses to flower, installing bee and insect hotels and planting pollinator-friendly bulbs, trees, shrubs and flower beds.

They’re steps we can all take to help our six-legged friends whether we run businesses or just have a little growing patch outside the back garden. You’ll find lots of help and advice here at the garden centre in Co. Limerick to help you turn your garden into a pollinator-friendly haven.

Bee Friendly Plants

Look out for our range of bee-friendly plants on sale in the garden centre, plus insect hotels, hedgehog houses and easy to sow packs of meadow annuals: sprinkle on bare soil this spring and you’ll bring your garden alive with colour and the happy buzz of insects from bees and hoverflies to butterflies and lacewings.

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